Quantum Worlds

“Am I big or am I small?”
– Alice in Wonderland




Quantum Worlds #1

Quantum Worlds

Quantum Worlds #4

Quantum Worlds

Quantum Worlds #2

Quantum Worlds

Quantum Worlds #5

Quantum Worlds

Quantum Worlds #6

These paintings were created by just a few brush strokes on a ½” x ½ “ prepared surface. The originals were scanned deeply at 6,000 dpi (dots per inch) and then professionally printed larger with archival ink on watercolor paper. What you are looking at is the magnification of my brush strokes. I call the resulting image a “Quantum World.”

Quantum Physicists have been describing to us the bizarre realm of the subatomic world and offering us a new paradigm of reality. They tell us that the smallest building block of life is not a distinct particle located in space but is more like a probability of matter that can exist anywhere at any given time – and acts not like a particle at all but more like a thought.

Because of this probability/thought factor, physicists assert that it is possible to have multiple realities or worlds existing simultaneously within the same space – and that how the viewer is thinking and observing will affect the outcome of which probability s(he) will see.

My goal with these Quantum Worlds is to artistically represent what these physicists are talking about. In other words, how can I create a very small image (representing the subatomic world) wherein when I magnify it for observation it will create multiple realities existing simultaneously in the same space?

What you are thinking about and how you are observing these pieces at any time will determine which probable world you will experience and highlights Alice’s famous question “Am I big or am I small?” i.e. am I big looking at pollywogs in a stream? Or, am I small looking at a Mitochondria floating inside a tiny human cell? Or am I mid size looking at a huge Martian landscape or seascape with strange weather patterns? Or am I seeing something entirely else?

What probable world are you seeing?